Grade 3

Third grade is working very hard on improving our reading this year. We are practicing skills on a daily basis that will help us succeed on the PSSA. Open-ended responses are a major focus this year, as well as reading comprehension. We are becoming math masters this year as well.

Third graders are working hard to learn their addition and subtraction facts. They will be starting multiplication very soon!!! Improving our problem solving skills is a goal in third grade. We are working daily to become great problem solvers, through the use of the Promethean board and doing a problem of the day.

Writing is something that we hope to improve upon as well. We use writing journals to practice forming paragraphs, and writing good sentences.

Please encourage your child to read at home every single day. Drilling addition and subtraction facts is also a great way to improve in math.


Mrs. Beiswenger   946-8396 ext. 3214

Mrs. Reading   946-8396 ext. 3211