Grade 1

There are many ways to help your child succeed in first grade.

-Read to your child and have you child read to you every day. The more students are exposed to literature, the better readers they will become.
-Have your child practice their Reading Word Books every time they are sent home. Make flashcards using these words so you can practice them daily. 
-Have you child practice their spelling words every night. Spelling Packets will be sent home on Monday and are to be returned to school complete on Friday.

-Practice adding and subtracting numbers up through 20 by using a number line. 
-Make addition/subtraction flashcards to practice math facts with your child every day.

-Make sure your child gets a good night sleep every night. Kids ages 6-9 need an average of 10 hours of sleep a night!
-Make sure your child has a healthy breakfast every morning. 
-Please bring your child to school on time (9:00am) and pick them up promptly at dismissal. We dismiss at 3:25.
-Talk to your child about their day.

Please feel free to contact us at:

Mrs. Hampton - Ext. 3133
Mrs. Irwin - Ext. 3138